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Work and business in Thailand – An article serie

(Part 1)

By: Tom Stenshavn

Are you starting a business in Thailand, or; Is your business going in the right direction?

This is a series of articles that aims to assist the reader with input and support in their leadership in their business in Thailand. The focus is as much as possible on developing an efficient, empathetic, competitive and trust-based business. Increase both your and your employees’ commitment, provide better learning and action skills and create more room for actions and getting more independent employees.

Provide better goal achievement and increased well-being, which in turn strengthens the company and the organization.

But … this requires a great part from the leader that you will see in this article series.

Statement: We humans are willing to do anything, provided we experience it as meaningful and sensible.

Working in Thailand and collaborating with local employees and also suppliers can present challenges. In addition, it is always a challenging part with communication as everyone who works together uses English and many do not have this as their mother tongue.

Cultural differences are also much more challenging than we think. And it is important to know what the other parties think and how the locals view what we say. Remember also that the locals we communicate with, often do not think the way we think and will then assess what we say in a completely different way.

An important and underestimated key to getting the maximum and positive effect from the company’s employees is therefore to be both aware and clear of the company’s purpose. Why do we go to work? This question may seem silly to some – but if the answer is to make money then it is wrong. In any case, the vast majority of Thais will say that this is why they are.

Learning about the western way of thinking when it comes to business is essential.

Then we can see how it really is after we take a closer look at these questions:
– What is the company’s vision?
– What is the purpose of the company?
– Is the company’s vision clear to the employees?
– Is the purpose of the company clear to all employees?
– Are the actions taken sensible to further the business’ purpose?
– Are the goals meaningful so that the employees want to work to achieve them?
– Does it make sense for the employees to go to work / do they experience meaning in the job beyond making money?

Ex: If the purpose / vision is “We make people happy” (Disney) – Would it then be meaningful for the employees to only measure success in financial profit on the bottom line?
Or are there other goal definitions that may seem more motivating such as:
– Communication and adaptability
– Ability to deliver
– Enjoyment
– Reputation
– Collaboration
– Pleasure of working

When there is a high score on these points, it will also affect both turnover and earnings, – especially through all work becoming more efficient and that there is less sick leave and throughput.

These are new times and what led to the way we operate until today is not necessarily the same as what worked in the past. Automation of work tasks means that both needs and working life change. To keep up with developments, we depend on being able to create mastery and learning cultures based on trust and empathy that are integrated with the performance cultures.

To see if this is something that may be useful to you, I have created some questions:

Give yourself points from 1 – 10 where 10 is the top score!

  • To what extent does a lack of expertise and competence present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does a lack of knowledge present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does a deficient structure present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does insufficient information from the top down present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does insufficient information from the bottom up give rise to challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does a lack of trust present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does a lack of trust in the board present challenges for the achievement of goals?
  • To what extent does a lack of trust in management present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does a lack of trust in colleague’s present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent does a lack of trust in customers and the market present challenges for goal achievement?
  • To what extent is it okay to report when something is wrong? To what extent is it okay to ask for help?
  • To what extent is it okay to give others help?
  • To what extent do the employees experience getting help if / when they ask? To what extent is it okay to give praise and recognition to others?
  • To what extent is NOT giving help to others accepted and okay?
  • Does lack of knowledge and competence create uncertainty? Does uncertainty prevent exchange of views and goal achievement?
  • Does uncertainty lead to decision and refusal to act?

Put together to see where you are on the trail. 7 – 10 is a good assessment that shows that you are on the right track. 4 – 7 you are in the middle layer and should take action. 1 – 4 you have a great potential for improvement.

What was good?
What and which areas will be useful for you to develop more of in your leadership and development?
What do you need to change?

In this text, you have now received some input that will make the road easier both for you, for your employees and also for the customers. Taking what you have received here seriously will, in addition to providing market benefits, also be a solid contribution to lessen the absence and to keep yourself and employees focused.

We all want a meaningful workplace with good colleagues who work together to create a culture that wins out in the market. This is done through personal and professional growth and development together with a leader who has confidence, who is respected and who leads by example!

Get in touch for what I can offer in assisting you and what we can do together. Do you want help getting started or for follow-up?

I adapt training courses within:

  • Personal and professional development
  • Development within cultural differences
  • Development of learning and mastery cultures
  • Implementation of modern sales processes
  • Trust-based leadership development

I also put together courses, workshops and lectures to order, develops courses and teaching materials together with customers, assists with implementation and is also open to partner solutions on projects. Assists with business development and start-up of companies, investment advice and much more.

All work is summarized under supervision, teaching and lecturing. Do you have goals that should have been reached or problems that should have been solved?

Get in touch for a pleasant chat and we will find solutions that suit you!

Our first two consultations are free, where I first get an overview of your plans for the future, and then give advice on your way to further development. Are communications are always confidential.

Tom Stenshavn